Learning Mentor/Family Support
Here at Cotham Gardens, we believe being a parent is one of the most challenging, rewarding and important roles that anyone can have.
All the children with us deserve to be supported from their earliest years so they can develop the life skills they will need to grow into happy healthy young people.
What do we offer at Cotham Gardens Primary?
Cotham Gardens Primary employs two Learning Mentors, Sophie Dunne and Julie Smith. As Learning Mentors at Cotham Gardens, we work with children who require assistance in overcoming barriers to learning in order to achieve their full potential.
We provide a complementary service to teachers and other staff addressing the needs of the children.
These barriers may include:
- Low attendance
- Behaviour Difficulties at home
- Personal Organisation
- Dealing with Bereavement
- General disaffection and disengagement from learning.
We at Cotham Gardens Primary can also support you as a family, providing support during key times.
These could be:
- Birth of a new baby, starting school, relationship problems, illness or bereavement and mental health issues.
- Signposting support for parents who wish to return to work or education.
- Signposting support for parents with financial worries, housing issues or debt problems.
If we can be of any assistance please contact us via the school office 0117 377 2610 or Email: sophie.dunne@cothamgardens.co.uk or julie.smith@cothamgardens.co.uk
Don’t forget we hold coffee mornings each Wednesday after drop off, currently held at our Cotham Grove school hall. Come along for coffee, cake and a friendly chat.
Hope to see you there.
Sophie and Julie
Some useful links...
Domestic abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. For help or further information please follow the link.
Issues around drugs and alcohol dependency or misuse for either oneself or a family member you may be concerned about. For help or further information follow the link to the Bristol Drugs Project.
Off the Record is a support service for people aged 11-25 years olds. For help or further information follow the link to 'Off the Record'.
Pennywise is a Big Lottery Funded project in Bristol. It aims to give people financial skills to make their money work better for them. A team of four Money Mentors work across Bristol, giving free and confidential advice via one-to-one appointments. For help or further information follow the link to Pennywise.
A positive parenting booklet produced by the NSPCC
The Bristol City Parenting Menu has details of upcoming parenting courses for parents aged 3 - 17.