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At Cotham Gardens, our goal is to provide a music education that will encourage children to see themselves as musicians and inspire them to have a love for music. Our skills-based curriculum seeks to promote musicianship in the key areas of musical composition, performance and music appreciation. Music will be used to enrich all subjects, wherever it is practical to do so, and promote connectedness within the curriculum.  At Cotham Gardens, we understand the importance of music in promoting many lifelong learning dispositions in our children such as resilience, creativity and positive learning relationships.  Furthermore, we recognise the positive impact music can have on discipline, listening skills, self-esteem and confidence. Our Music curriculum aims are as follows:

  • Children will learn and explore the work of different musicians. This will include local Bristol-based artists and those who have made significant contributions to the wider music narrative and its history.
  • Children will have the opportunity to play a variety of musical instruments through the Bristol music service (Bristol Beacon). Current provision includes piano, drums, guitar and violin.
  • Each year group will follow objectives outlined in our Music Knowledge and Skills Ladder. This will facilitate meaningful and memorable learning experiences for all children. A key element of this will be learning music notation as children move through KS2, as well as using their voices with increasing confidence and control.
  • We will exploit different ways to give children a stage for their musical exploits both individually and as a group or class.
  • Children will have the opportunity to both analyse and evaluate their own musical compositions, the work of peers and established artists using the ‘language’ of music.


We will do this by:

  • Sing Up will be the predominant resource through which we will deliver the knowledge and skills outlined in our music skills ladder.
  •  In class, children will have access to a range of high quality tuned and percussive instruments.
  • We will invite and encourage workshops from professional musicians (Bristol Beacon) whenever possible.
  • We will promote opportunities to perform through the school website, Class Dojo, singing assemblies and school concerts.
  • TIME ALLOCATION: Music will be integral to the curriculum through a combination of discrete skills-based lessons and wider curriculum enrichment opportunities.


  • Children will leave Cotham Gardens confident at singing and trying out a variety of musical styles and instruments.
  • Creative Arts team to review objectives and learning bi-annually.
  • Bi-annual monitoring of Sing Up to gauge impact/value for money of resource.
  • We elicit a teacher/ student consultation and review yearly.