Physical Education
The intent of the PE Curriculum at Cotham Gardens is that our students:
- Develop competence in a broad range of physical activities and be encouraged to excel
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities and understand the importance of leading healthy, active lives
- develop resilience and perseverance through physical challenge and maintain positive mindset in competition frameworks.
At Cotham Gardens we follow the National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements for PE and focus on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning.
Alongside PE lessons we offer children a range of sporting experiences and show them a diverse range of physical activity. For example, a local tennis coach offers free tennis coaching to each year group. We aim to develop the knowledge and skills of all children, mentally, emotionally, socially and physically, for now and their future.
At Cotham Gardens we focus on the whole child so they leave primary education with a solid foundation of physical literacy to build upon and to continue to succeed.
Alongside this, Teachers teach games lessons throughout the year so children begin to learn the skills and rules of competitive games. We also employ Shine sports coaches at lunchtimes to encourage physical activity and build competence in sports such as netball, basketball, football and cricket.
Teachers have high expectations of pupils and offer appropriate levels of support and challenge to ensure that every pupil is able to succeed and be included in each PE session.
We are part of the West Sport and North Bristol School Games group of schools and we engage with a number of inter school sporting events and competitions – both in school and at after school events.
PE lessons are assessed with child friendly language as a part of each session.
Children at Cotham Gardens Primary School will:
- enjoy PE lessons, physical activity and build a good foundation for an active life
- be able to achieve and reach success in lessons
- be able to combine physical skills with fluency and apply them consistently to a broad range of physical activities and sports
- be able to collaborate and communicate with others
- understand and be able to articulate how they have made progress in individual PE lessons and over time
- understand how to evaluate and recognise their own success
- be able to explain the importance of leading a healthy and active life
- have the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.
p e year and term overview 1.pdf